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2022 杨超楠 厦门协和双语学校 学位论文:F=1旋量玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚体在光腔中的自旋向列压缩 51194700017-杨超楠-0 学位论文原文.pdf





无序与驱动下冷原子系统量子自旋输运研究 上海市科技创新行动计划自然科学基金项目 20ZR1418500

冷原子-光腔系统的量子信息动力学研究 国家自然科学基金面上项目 12074120


Research Papers:



J. Qin* and Lu Zhou*, Supersolid gap soliton in a Bose-Einstein condensate and optical ring cavity coupling system, Phys. Rev. E 105, 054214 (2022).


J. Qin, Lu Zhou, and G. Dong, Imaginary spin-orbital coupling in parity-time symmetric systems with momentum-dependent gain and loss, New J. Phys. 24, 063025 (2022).


J. Zhu, C. Bian*, Z. Zhao, X.-D. Zhao*, L. Qin, Y.-Y. Zhang, Lu Zhou*, and G. Dong, Saturation of superradiant light scattering from an atomic grating with a large number of atoms, Phys. Rev. A 106, 013312 (2022).


C.-J. Liu, Y.-C. Meng, J.-L. Qin*, Lu Zhou*, Classical and Quantum chaos in a spin-1 atomic Bose-Einstein via Floquet driving, Results in Physics 43, 106091 (2022).


1. Z.-H. Li, Lu Zhou* and Yan Li*, Chiral Bloch-Zener oscillations of spin-orbit coupled cold atoms in an optical superlattice, J. Phys. B 54, 035004 (2021).

2. S. Liang, Z.-W. Wang, J. Qin*, X.-D. Zhao*, and Lu Zhou*, Collective dipole oscillations in a bosonic ladder lattice with effective magnetic flux, Results in Physics 29, 104678 (2021).

3. J. Qin* and Lu Zhou*, Collision of two self-trapped atomic matter wave packets in an optical ring cavity, Phys. Rev. E 104, 044201 (2021).


1. R.-F. Zheng, Q.-H. Jiang, and Lu Zhou*, Nonclassical properties and entanglement generation in an optical cavity containing two atomic Bose-Einstein condensates, Mod. Phys. Lett. B 34, 2050075 (2020).

2. J. Qin, R. Zheng, and Lu Zhou*, Bound states of spin-orbit coupled cold atoms in a Dirac delta-function potential, J. Phys. B 53, 125301 (2020).

3. J. Qin* and Lu Zhou*, Unidirectional spin transport of a spin-orbit-coupled atomic matter wave using a moving Dirac \delta-potential well, Phys. Rev. A 102, 013304 (2020).

4. S. Liang, Z.-C. Li, W. Zhang, Lu Zhou*, and Z. Lan*, Stuckelberg interferometry using spin-orbit-coupled cold atoms in an optical lattice, Phys. Rev. A 102, 033332 (2020).

5. Z.-C. Li, Q.-H. Jiang, and Lu Zhou*, Nonlinear Floquet dynamics of spinor condensates in an optical cavity: Cavity-amplified parametric resonance, CLEO 2020.

6. R.-F. Zheng, Z.-C. Li, J.-L. Qin, W. Zhang, Lu Zhou*, and Yan Li*, Spin sensitive atom scattering via spin-orbit interaction, Eur. Phys. J. D 74, 226 (2020).

7. J. Qin* and Lu Zhou*, Self-trapped atomic matter wave in a ring cavity, Phys. Rev. A 102, 063309 (2020).


1. W. Ji, K. Zhang, W. Zhang, and Lu Zhou*, Bloch oscillations of spin-orbit-coupled cold atoms in an optical lattice and spin-current generation, Phys. Rev. A 99, 023604 (2019).

2. Z.-C. Li, Q.-H. Jiang, Z. Lan, W. Zhang, and Lu Zhou*, Nonlinear Floquet dynamics of spinor condensates in an optical cavity: Cavity-amplified parametric resonance, Phys. Rev. A 100, 033617 (2019).


1. K. Zhang*, Lu Zhou, P. Meystre, and W. Zhang*, Relativistic measurement backaction in the quantum Dirac oscillator, Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 110404 (2018).

2. 王嫣,郑任菲,张衡,周鲁*,腔诱导的冷原子在一维准周期性光晶格中的布洛赫振荡,量子光学学报 24,36 (2018).


31) R.-F. Zheng, Lu Zhou*, W. Zhang, A beam splitter for Dirac-Weyl fermions through the Goos-Hanchen-like shiftPhys. Lett. A 381, 3798 (2017).


30) Lu Zhou*, R.-F. Zheng, W. Zhang, Spin-sensitive atom mirror via spin-orbit interaction, Phys. Rev. A 94, 053630 (2016).

29) Huang Zhen, Zeng Wen, Gu Yi, Liu Li, Zhou Lu*, Zhang Wei-ping, Double reflection of spin-orbit-coupled cold atoms, Acta Physica Sinica 65, 164201 (2016).




28) Z. Han, P. Qian, Lu Zhou, J. F. Chen, W. Zhang, Coherence time limit of the biphotons generated in a dense cold atom cloud, Scientific Reports 5, 9126 (2015).


27) Lu Zhou, J.-L. Qin, Z. Lan, G. Dong, W. Zhang, Goos-Hanchen shifts in spin-orbit-coupled cold atoms, Phys. Rev. A 91, 031603(R) (2015).



26) L. Dong, L. Zhou, B. Wu, R. Balasubramanian, H. Pu, Cavity-assisted dynamical spin-orbit coupling in cold atoms, Phys. Rev. A 89, 011602(R) (2014).



25) J.-N. Wu, J. Qian, X.-D. Zhao, L. Zhou*, and W. Zhang, Superfluid--Mott-insulator transition of spin-1 bosons in optical resonators, Physical Review A 88, 065601 (2013).


24) Lu Zhou, H. Pu, and W. Zhang, Anderson localization of cold atomic gas with effective spin-orbit interaction in a quasiperiodic optical lattice, Physical Review A 87, 023625 (2013).



23) X.-D. Zhao, X. Zhao, H. Jing, Lu Zhou, and W. Zhang, Squeezed magnons in an optical lattice: Application to simulation of the dynamical Casimir effect at finite temperature, Physical Review A 87, 053627 (2013).


22) J. Qian, Lu Zhou, and W. Zhang, Quantum phases of strongly interacting Rydberg atoms in triangular lattices, Physical Review A 87, 063421 (2013).


21) Lu Zhou, K. Zhang, G. Dong, and W. Zhang, Chapter 10: Cavity quantum optics with Bose-Einstein condensates, Annual Review of Cold Atoms and Molecules, World Scientific (2013).



20) Lu Zhou, K. Zhang, B. Zhu, Y. Li and Weiping Zhang, Phase detection in an ultracold polarized Fermi gas via electromagnetically induced transparency, Physics Letters A 376, 919 (2012).


19) J. Qian, G. Dong, Lu Zhou and W. Zhang, Phase diagram of Rydberg atoms in a nonequilibrium optical lattice, Physical Review A 85, 065401 (2012).


18) Jing J., ..., Zhou L, et al., Squeezing bandwidth controllable twin beam light and phase sensitive nonlinear interferometer based on atomic ensembles,

Chinese Science Bulletin 57, 1925 (2012).


17) X. Zhao, X.-D. Zhao, and L. Zhou, Generation of Solitons and Train of Soliton Pulses in Three Level \Lambda-Type Cold Atom Electromagnetically Induced Transparency System, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 81, 124403 (2012).



16) Lu Zhou, Han Pu, K. Zhang, X.-D. Zhao and Weiping Zhang, Cavity-induced switching between localized and extended states in a noninteracting Bose-Einstein condensate, Physical Review A 84, 043606 (2011).


15) K. Zhang, Lu Zhou, G. Dong and Weiping Zhang, Cavity optomechanics with cold atomic gas, Frontiers of Physics 6, 237 (2011).


14) K. Zhang, Lu Zhou, H. Y. Ling, H. Pu and Weiping Zhang, Measurement backaction on the quantum spin-mixing dynamics of a spin-1 Bose-Einstein condensate, Physical Review A 83, 063624 (2011).


13) C. Liu, et al., Lu Zhou and Weiping Zhang, Realization of low frequency and controllable bandwidth squeezing based on a four-wave-mixing amplifier in rubidium vapor, Optics Letters 36, 2979 (2011).



12) Lu Zhou, Han Pu, Hong Y. Ling, K. Zhang and Weiping Zhang, Spin dynamics and domain formation of a spinor Bose-Einstein condensate in an optical cavity, Physical Review A 81, 063641 (2010).


11) Jing Qian, Keye Zhang, Lu Zhou, and Weiping Zhang, Elimination of collision effects in an R-type atom-molecule adiabatic passage, Journal of Physics B 43, 155206 (2010).


10) Jing Qian, Lu Zhou, Keye Zhang, and Weiping Zhang, Efficient production of polar molecular Bose-Einstein condensates via a R-type atom-molecule adiabatic passage, New Journal of Physics 12, 033002 (2010).



9) Lu Zhou, Han Pu, Hong Y. Ling, and Weiping Zhang, Cavity-mediated strong matter wave bistability in a spin-1 condensate, Physical Review Letters 103, 160403 (2009).


8) Bixuan Fan, Zhenglu Duan, Lu Zhou, et al., Generation of a single-photon source via a four-wave mixing process in a cavity, Physical Review A 80, 063809 (2009).



7) Lu Zhou, Jing Qian, Weiping Zhang, Han Pu, and Hong Y. Ling, Phase separation in a two-species atomic Bose-Einstein condensate with an interspecies Feshbach resonance, Physical Review A 78, 053612 (2008).


6) Zhou Lu, Li Gao-xiang and Zhan Ming-sheng, Cavity-Induced Enhancement of Squeezing in Resonance Fluorescence of a V-type Three-Level Atom, Chinese Physics Letters 25, 497 (2008).


5) Zhou Lu, Kong Ling-Bo and Zhan Ming-sheng, Squeezing via coupling of Bose-Einstein condensates in a double-well potential with a cavity light field, Chinese Physics B 17, 1601 (2008).



4) Lu Zhou, Weiping Zhang, Hong Y. Ling, Lei Jiang, and Han Pu, Properties of a coupled two-species atom-heteronuclear molecule condensate, Physical Review A 75, 043603 (2007).



3) Lu Zhou and Gao-xiang Li, Decay distribution of spontaneous emission from atoms in one-dimensional photonic crystal, Optics Communications 230, 347 (2004).


2) Zhou Lu, Gan Zhong-Wei and Li Gao-xiang, Quantum interference between decay channels of a -type three level atom placed between two parallel plates, Chinese Physics Letters 21, 1518 (2004).



1) Zhou Lu and Li Gao-xiang, Preparation of two-mode photon-added SU(2) coherent field and its properties in interaction with a -type three level atom, Acta optica sinica 23, 261 (2003).










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